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6 Predictions for the Future of Artificial Intelligence

Royce Roy1563 16-Dec-2017

6 Predictions for the Future of Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence is no longer a futuristic technology. It is not an attention-grabbing fiction infused tool that a mobile game development company considers important. It is already there allowing us to reap advantages like more precise predictions, the more adaptive behavior of machines, context-aware machine reactions to voice commands of human, etc. Machines are continuing to imitate human intelligence and unleashing automated as well as responsive behavior to human situations that were unpredictable in the past. 

In the pace Artificial Intelligence is paving the way for better comfort, ease of use and multifaceted advantages for everyday life, soon we can see AI make a lot of things happen that were previously unthinkable. The latest AI research projects underway and the predictions about the roles of AI in future to come upholds a future which is equally bright and shrouded with anticipation.

Here we are going to explain six predictions about future of AI that seem credible.

1. Robots for disaster management

AI, which refers to the intelligence of machines, will make machines more responsive and aware of human contexts. If one facet of modern technology can be predicted to reap highest advantages of this new machine intelligence, it is nothing but the robotics. Robots powered by Artificial Intelligence will be able to do a lot of things that were previously ascribed to only humans. For example, for delicate and challenging roles like taking care of kids or elders robots can be depended upon.

AI-powered robots will be able to tackle dangerous situations better than human beings. Robots will play a more proactive role in maintaining city traffic and managing disasters. For example, disasters like earthquakes and its after effects for certain areas can be envisaged and rightly predicted through modern analytics and accordingly as and when such disasters occur, AI-driven rescue apps can send humanitarian and precautionary messages to the residents. With the flood water crossing maximum limit, data-driven predictive analytics coupled up with AI can guide humanitarian aid to reach faster to the affected areas and its residents.

2. AI will be subject to misuse as well

In the way Artificial Intelligence is continuing to penetrate every area of our living and activities, machines and digital interfaces in the future will enjoy greater autonomy and power than ever before. This, in turn, can pave the way for vulnerabilities concerning security and misuse as well. By acquiring human-like cognitive abilities over many years machines and digital interfaces can pose a grave threat to human beings as well.

Though as of now machines behaving in an egoistic and biased manner just like the humans is unthinkable and mostly remained a phenomenon common to the fantasy world of science fiction, it can soon go to be a reality. Machines acquiring such psychological attributes of human can become dangerous to human autonomy and overall existence.

Artificial Intelligence of machines having full autonomy over user data can threaten privacy as such machine tools can process and utilize user data for further business purposes. AI generated customer interactions can prove to be a goldmine for the users, but such open and unrestricted access to machines to user data can have serious consequences on privacy.

3. Fully autonomous cars having the edge of AI

An Autonomous or driverless car is already a reality now, and just within a couple of years, we can expect them to hit the road as a regular vehicle. But as of now as most test drives confirmed driverless cars are only equipped to deal with road situations and driver’s safety, and they lack delicate-decision making power and ability to respond to multifarious situations like heavy rain, fog, snow, windstorms, etc. On a bigger scale, human intelligence is still irreplaceable for driving cars in general. The ever-increasing prowess of AI is giving us hope that in the time to come AI-powered driverless cars will have all the attributes of human drivers behind the wheel.

4. The threat of unpredictable superhuman abilities

We all have read and watched numerous science fiction where intelligent robots having superhuman abilities not just behave like humans but actually gets into the role of saviors and destructors of human beings. Well, that is now a possibility looming large in front of us. Many industry stalwarts and global tech thinkers, as well as scientists including Stephen Hawking, Elon Musk and Bill Gates, have expressed concerns over the role of AI in shaping superhuman intelligence that in the time to come can dominate human actions and behavior. The question is, whether this can be translated as a grim or bright future for the humans.

As of now, most predictions and concerns over the dominant role of AI have their source in one thing, and that is the sheer unpredictability of the AI-powered machines. AI is still in its nascent state when considered against the huge possibilities it offers for the future human beings. We can only say machines are going to have more similarities to human analytical abilities but how far machines can imitate human intelligence and to what extent it can be more intelligent than humans we do not know.

5. Cyborg technology

The way human brain functions in coordination with the millions of nerves spread all over our body is unique. This mind-body continuum is something that remained out of reach for makers of robots and researchers who for years are trying to shape machines capable of behaving and interacting humanely. But science fiction writers already came up with the concept of cyborgs, the robots loaded with human brain cells and neurons. These cyborgs have been the closest avatars of human beings with many things similar to humans.

If cyborgs have been a fictional possibility, latest stem cell research already made artificial limb production a possibility. In the time to come, AI coupled up with modern stem cell research can bring us similar nervous and neurological capabilities. Though cyborgs still seem to be a distant reality, the progress in AI technology and stem cell research together are making it a brighter possibility in the time to come.

6. Smart computers to solve climate change problem

Computers are now not only getting smarter with analytical abilities, but they can also answer questions with the awareness of user context. This enhanced ability which is getting better with every passing day ultimately can deliver insights about most complex and unpredictable fields of knowledge like the climate.

Having the ability to analyze unlimited data volume besides being able to analyze real-time situations, smart computers now can predict climate change and twists and turns of the environment more precisely. AI can work actively to prevent environmental catastrophe and can make humans beware of any impending disasters that can threaten life and living beings.

Finally, machines having acquired more human-like intelligence can become buddies of future humans. Already devices are our closest companions for greater part of the day. In the years to come, they will only acquire more humanely role and demeanor.

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